Dual factor technology for doceoPOD

Dual factor technology for doceoPOD

21rd September, 2022

We have added the most advanced two-factor signature technology to our delivery note solution. In this way, your delivery notes in digital format can be signed remotely and without the need for a signature and with legal validity.

Proof of delivery and delivery notes must be signed by the person who receives the delivery. Until now, doceoPOD had the biometric signature for its validity.

For the biometric signature, the signatory must sign on a handheld device (tablet or smartphone) using a digital pen. This is the form that most closely resembles the paper form, but what happens if the delivery is made, but the person responsible for signing is not present to sign? For these cases, the double factor signature has been implemented.

In order to perform a two-factor signature on a delivery note or receipt, the signatory accesses doceoBioSign, our biometric signature solution, and enters their email address and request code there. At the moment, he receives an SMS on his mobile device with an access code. He accesses doceoBioSign with his code and there is an access to the proof of delivery in PDF format that is pending to be signed. He signs it and it is legally validated.

From here, he can send his proofs of delivery to doceoStore (Document Manager) and he can store and consult data for administrative or warehouse tasks.

Do you have any doubts? Please contact us

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    doceoPOD now more efficient with OL Connect technology

    doceoPOD now more efficient with OL Connect technology

    20rd September, 2022

    We have incorporated to our doceoPOD, complete management and signature of proofs of delivery, some of the most efficient advantages on the market thanks to OL Connect Objectif Lune.

    With DoceoPOD all your proofs of delivery are signed and validated in the easiest way you can imagine. Now, with Connect OL, you will also have automated some of the most tedious processes related to proof of delivery management.

    What does Connect OL do for you?

    • Creates a digital version of the printed forms.
    • Manages the data flow between mobile devices.
    • Real-time management portal.
    • Changes in the information of the operation.
    • Sends complete delivery notes to the system workflow.
    • Sends real-time communications to the customer.

    What do you think? As you can see, we took full advantage of adding technology to the Objectif Lune mix.

    Do you have any doubts? Please contact us

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    The fields marked with * are mandatory.

      Thanks to doceoPOD you will always know where your deliveries have been made

      Thanks to doceoPOD you will always know where your deliveries have been made

      23rd September, 2022

      We have incorporated to our doceoPOD, complete management and signature of proofs of delivery, some of the most efficient advantages on the market thanks to OL Connect Objectif Lune.

      With DoceoPOD all your proofs of delivery are signed and validated in the easiest way you can imagine. Now, with Connect OL, you will also have automated some of the most tedious processes related to proof of delivery management.

      What does Connect OL do for you?

      • Creates a digital version of the printed forms.
      • Manages the data flow between mobile devices.
      • Real-time management portal.
      • Changes in the information of the operation.
      • Sends complete delivery notes to the system workflow.
      • Sends real-time communications to the customer.

      What do you think? As you can see, we took full advantage of adding technology to the Objectif Lune mix.

      Do you have any doubts? Please contact us

      Send missatge

      The fields marked with * are mandatory.



        This privacy policy states that Doceo Software uses and protects any information you provide when using this website. Doceo Software is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. In the event that, when using this website, we ask you to provide us with certain information by which you can be identified, you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy policy. Doceo Software may change this policy at any of the periodic updates of this page. We recommend that you visit it from time to time to ensure that you agree to the changes.

        What information do we request

        We may collect the following information:

        • Name.
        • Contact information, including email address.
        • Demographic information such as ZIP code, your preferences and interests.
        • Other types of information regarding surveys or offers.
        • The exhaustive list of cookies we collect can be found in this section.
        • What we do with the information we collect.

        We collect this information to understand your needs and offer you a better service and, specifically, for the following reasons:

        • Internal record keeping.
          We may use the information to improve our products and services.
        • We may send promotional emails about new products, special offers, or other information that we think you might be interested in, through the email address you have provided.
        • From time to time, we may also use your data to contact you for market research purposes.
        • We may contact you by email, phone, fax, or postal mail, and use the information to customize the website to your interests.


        Our commitment is to ensure that your information is in a safe place. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to enable us to maintain the security of the information we collect online.

        How we use cookies

        A cookie is a small file that asks permission to be stored on your computer’s hard drive. Once you’ve given the go-ahead, the file is added and the cookie helps analyze web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow the website to respond to you as an individual, tailor its operations to your needs and tastes, and remember information about your preferences.

        We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are used. This helps us analyze data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes. The data is then removed from the system.
        The application we use to obtain and analyze browsing data is:

        Google Analytics (www.google.com/analytics).

        This application has been developed by Google, who provides us with the audience analysis service for our page. This company may use the data to improve the same services and to offer services to other companies. These other uses are available at link


        This tool does not obtain data on the names or surnames of users or the postal address from which they connect. The information obtained is related, for example, to the number of page views, the language, the social network where our news is published, the city to which it is assigned, the IP address from which users access, the number of users who visit us, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the time of the visit, the browser they use, the operator or the type of terminal from which the visit is made.

        Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by helping us to deliver pages you find useful. A cookie in no case gives us access to your computer or any personal information about you, except the data you choose to share with us. You can choose to accept or reject cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer.

        In order to provide you with a good service, we may ask third parties for technical support that implies access to navigation data within the framework of data processing contracts. When you accept this cookie policy, you should know that some of these third parties may be in a country outside the European Economic Area or that they offer lesser controls on data processing than our legal system. You have to know that we require our data processing providers to satisfy the guarantees required by current regulations.

        Links to other websites

        Our website may contain links to other sites of interest. However, when using these links to leave our site, you should be aware that we have no control over these other websites. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information you provide when visiting other sites, which are not governed by this privacy policy. It is recommended to be careful and read the applicable privacy policy of the website in question.

        Control of personal information

        You can choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:

        When you are asked to fill out a form on the website, look for the “Subscribe to newsletter” box and leave it unchecked to indicate that you do not want the information to be used for direct marketing purposes.

        If you have previously agreed with us to allow the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you can change your mind at any time by sending an email request to info@doceosoftware.com .

        We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties, unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal data to send promotional information about third parties that we think may be of interest to you.

        If you believe that any information we are holding about you is incorrect or incomplete, please email us at info@doceosoftware.com as soon as possible. We will correct any incorrect data as quickly as possible.

        List of cookies we collect Here is a full list of the cookies we use along with a description of what they are used for:
        Cookie name Duration Description Category
        1 year
        Used by the GOOGLE RECAPTCHA service in forms to avoid SPAM
        Strictly Necessary - Persistent
        Save cookie preferences.
        Strictly Necessary - Session
        1 year
        Cookie of the tools with which the web has been developed, saves the language chosen in the navigation.
        Strictly Necessary - Session
        1 day
        Analytical functionality
        Strictly Necessary - Session
        1 minut
        It is used to limit the percentage of requests. If Google Analytics has been implemented using Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be called _dc_gtm_.
        Strictly Necessary - Session
        1 minut
        Analytical functionality
        Strictly Necessary - Session
        2 years
        Analytical functionality
        Strictly Necessary - Session
        1 year
        Time wp-settings-{user} was set.
        Strictly Necessary - Session
        1 year
        It is to preserve user parameters in wp admin.
        Strictly Necessary - Session

        Cookie management

        You can find information on how to change your browser’s cookie settings here:

        Taking into account the information provided through this Cookies Policy, below we offer you information on how you can manage the cookies used by Doceo Software through the different options offered by the most common browsers (Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari). If the installation of all the cookies on the website is prevented, some of its functionalities, as well as some content, may be affected.

        How to view cookies

        All browsers offer the user the possibility of searching for and viewing the cookies installed by a certain website, obtaining information regarding their duration and the possibility of eliminating them, as indicated in the following section. Below is a series of informative links on this issue, based on the most used browsers:

        Google Chrome

        • Mozilla Firefox
        • Internet Explorer
        • Safari

        How to disable or delete cookies

        To deactivate, restrict, block or delete cookies, the user must modify the settings of the browser used in the terminal, be it a computer, Smartphone or tablet. In general, browsers offer the following configuration options in relation to the installation of cookies:

        That the browser rejects all cookies, and, therefore, that no cookie from any web page is installed on your terminal.
        That the browser notifies you before the installation of the cookie that you decide whether or not to accept the installation of the cookie.
        That the browser only rejects third-party cookies from the websites you visit, but not those used by the website you browse.
        The browsing option in private mode through which cookies are installed in the terminal, but are automatically deleted when browsing the web page ends:

        • Google Chrome
        • Mozilla Firefox
        • Internet Explorer
        • Safari

        The latest version of the privacy policy was updated on May 31, 2022.

        Legal warning

        Legal warning

        Welcome to the website of DOCEO SOFTWARE, S.L.

        Next, we expose the conditions of use of this WEB page. Browsing through this WEB page gives you the role of user of the same and, therefore, you accept the clauses detailed in this document.


        In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, it is reported that https://doceosoftware.com/ is a domain of the company DOCEO SOFTWARE, SL with registered office at C / Francesc Artau, 14 àtic C 17005 Girona Tlf: 972 98 22 87 and mail: info@doceosoftware.com .

        The company is called DOCEO SOFTWARE, S.L. with CIF: B17995218. Girona Mercantile Registry Volume: 2670, Book: 0, Folio: 216, Section: 8, Sheet GI-46283. Registration or annotation: 1 / Date: 02/04/2008

        RULES OF USE

        The User agrees to make appropriate and lawful use of the Website as well as the contents and services, in accordance with the applicable legislation at all times, generally accepted morals and good customs and public order.

        It is forbidden, on your part, to carry out any action that may cause alterations to the contents of this WEBSITE or a malfunction of the same, including the introduction of viruses or the like.


        The pages of the WEB and the information or elements it contains, include texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, databases, videos and also logos, trademarks, trade names, or other distinctive signs, are protected by rights of intellectual or industrial property, of which DOCEO SOFTWARE, SL is the legitimate owner or licensee.

        Any type of exploitation is prohibited, including any type of reproduction, distribution, transfer to third parties, public communication and transformation, through any type of support and means, without prior and express authorization.


        Our intention is to offer a website that offers continuous operation and of the highest quality.

        In any case, we inform you that we cannot guarantee continued access, and that the pages may be impeded, or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond our control.

        DOCEO SOFTWARE, S.L. is not responsible for the information and other content integrated into spaces or third party web pages accessible through links, hyperlinks or links.

        DOCEO SOFTWARE, S.L. is not responsible for any damages that may arise, among others, from:

        • Interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, telephone breakdowns, delays, blockages or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system, caused by deficiencies, overloads and errors in telecommunications lines and networks
        • Illegitimate interference through the use of malicious programs of any kind and through any means of communication.
        • Improper or inappropriate use of the Website.
        • Errors produced by a malfunction of the browser or by the use of outdated versions of it.

        The user, in case of causing damages due to an illicit or incorrect use of this WEB site, may be claimed for the damages caused.

        Likewise, the user will be liable for any damages arising from their use of “robots”, “spiders”, … or similar tools used in order to collect or extract data or any other action on their part. that imposes an unreasonable burden on the operation of the Website.


        For the resolution of any conflict that may arise during the visit to our WEBSITE, we advise that you contact us directly through the contact information that we offer stating your case, in order to reach an amicable agreement between the two parties. .

        Otherwise, the applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any question related to the services and products of this portal, will be Spanish law.

        If you wish, the European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform that is available at the following link: http: / /ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

        Our company and the User agree to submit to the Judges and Courts of the User’s domicile, provided that the User is located in Spanish territory and acts as a consumer.


        Privacy Notice

        Version date 30/08/2023


        This document sets out the guidelines by which Doceo Software, S.L. collects, uses, stores and processes personal data of its customers and other individuals (collectively referred to as “Users”) who access or use our websites, mobile applications, contact forms and other related services (collectively referred to as the “Services”). By using our Services, you consent to the collection and use of your personal data as described in this Privacy Notice.

        In some cases, we may process your personal data in collaboration with external third parties. In such situations, the terms and conditions of the agreement with that external organisation will govern how your personal data is processed. If you believe that an external organisation has authorised us to process your personal data on their behalf, we suggest that you contact them to clarify the handling of your information. Please note that this Privacy Notice does not apply to third party websites or applications linked from our Services. Before clicking on any links, we urge you to review the terms and conditions and privacy policies of those third-party websites and applications.

        It is important that you read this Privacy Notice carefully to understand how we collect, use, store and process your personal data and to be informed about your data protection rights.

        Contact details for the purposes of this Policy:

        Doceo Software, S.L.
        TAX ID: B17995218
        Address: C/Francesc Artau, 14 Ático C 17005 Girona (Girona)
        Contact e-mail: info@doceosoftware.com
        E-mail for exercising rights related to Data Protection: info@doceosoftware.com
        Telephone number: (+34) 972 98 22 87 

        The company is called DOCEO SOFTWARE, S.L. with CIF: B17995218. Companies Register of Girona Volume: 2670, Book: 0, Folio: 216, Section: 8, Page GI-46283. Registration or annotation: 1 / Date: 02/04/2008

        If you have any queries relating to this policy, you may contact DOCEO SOFTWARE via the contact details above.

        1. Privacy policy

        At Doceo Software, we seek to provide you with a safe and reliable browsing and service experience. In line with this objective, we have implemented this privacy policy in compliance with the security measures established by the European Regulation 679/2016 of 27 April (RGPD) and the Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD).

        1.1. Collection of Personal Data

        You, as a User, have the option to visit our websites, install our applications or provide us with personal data. However, if you do not provide certain personal data, you may not be able to access some parts of our Services. For example, if you do not have an electronic signature, you will not be able to sign electronic documents on our service.

        We collect your personal data in the following situations:

        • Register or log in to your account.
        • Initiate, sign or review electronic documents.
        • Create or modify your user profile.
        • Contact our customer service.
        • Contact our virtual appointment scheduling service.
        • Comment on our blogs, community forums or social networks.
        • Participate in surveys, sponsored events, sweepstakes or newsletter subscriptions.

        You may also provide us with other people’s personal data when using our Services, such as when:

        • Engage in electronic transactions.
        • Add members to an existing account.
        • Leave comments.
        • Recommend to friends.

        The categories of personal data we collect include:

        • Identifiers and contact information, such as name and surname, ID number, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number and electronic signature.
        • Commercial information, such as billing and payment details, products or services purchased.
        • Geolocation, including physical location.
        • Navigation data.

        1.2. Personal Data We Collect Automatically

        We may automatically collect personal data from you and your devices when you use our Services, including when you visit our websites or applications without logging in. The types of data collected automatically include:

        • Device, usage and transaction information.
        • Cookies and similar technologies.
        • Information from external sources.

        The categories of personal data that we may collect automatically include:

        • Device, usage and transaction information. We collect personal data about how you use our Services and the devices (e.g., computers, mobile phones, tablets) you use to access our solutions and services. This may include, but is not limited to, the following:
          • IP address.
          • Precise geolocation information that you allow our applications to access (usually from your mobile device).
          • Unique device identifiers and device attributes, such as operating system and browser type.
          • Usage data, such as web log data, referring and exit pages and URLs, platform type, number of clicks, domain names, landing pages, pages and content viewed and the order of those pages, the amount of time spent on particular pages, the date(s) and time(s) you used our Services, the frequency of use of our Services, error logs and other related information.
          • Transactional data, such as names and email addresses of parties to a transaction, subject matter, history of actions individuals take in connection with a transaction (e.g., reviewing, signing, enabling features) and personal data about those individuals or their devices, such as name, email address, IP address and authentication methods.
        • Cookies and similar technologies. We use cookies, which are text files containing small amounts of information that are downloaded to your device, or related technologies, such as web beacons, local shared objects and tracking pixels, to collect and/or store information. For additional information about cookies and related technologies, including details on how to refuse them, please read our Cookie Notice (https://doceosoftware.com/en/cookie-policy/)

        Information from external sources. Subject to applicable law, we may collect your personal data from third parties, such as:

        • External sources. Examples of external sources include vendors, partners, researchers, service providers and others, where they are legally permitted to share your personal data with us. For example, if you register for our Services on another website, the website may provide us with your personal data.
        • Other customers. Other customers may provide us with their personal information. For example, if a customer wants you to sign an electronic document on our Services, they will provide us with their email address and name.
        • Combining personal data from different sources. We may combine the personal data we receive from other sources with the personal data we collect from you (or your device) and use it as described in this Notice.

        1.3. Use of Personal Data

        The legal basis for processing your personal data depends on the type of data and the context in which it is collected. Usually, the processing is based on your consent, the performance of a contract or legitimate interests.

        We use your personal data in order to provide, operate, maintain and improve our Services. In addition, we use your personal data for the following purposes:

        • Provide and invoice the products and services requested.
        • Process your transactions and send related notifications.
        • Create and manage your account and relationship with us.
        • Facilitating communication and collaboration.
        • To personalise and improve your experience on our Services.
        • Provide technical support and troubleshooting.
        • Improve our services and develop new products.
        • Send you updates and newsletters.
        • Respond to your comments, questions and support requests.
        • Evaluate and improve the quality of our services.
        • To understand how Users use our Services and to conduct related research and analysis.
        • To comply with our legal obligations and prevent fraudulent, illegal or unauthorised activities.
        • Comply with legal retention periods.
        • Protect the rights, privacy, security or property of Users and Doceo Software.
        • Manage the Services platform, including support systems and security.

        1.4. Sharing of Personal Data

        At Doceo Software, we understand the importance of protecting your personal data. We do not sell or rent your personal data to third parties for commercial purposes. However, we may share your personal data with third parties in the following situations:

        Service providers: We may share personal data with service providers who perform services on our behalf, such as payment processing, web hosting services, data analysis, customer support and other similar functions. These service providers may have access to your personal data only to the extent necessary to perform their functions and are not permitted to share or use your data for any other purpose.

        Collaboration and communication: Our Services may enable collaboration and communication between Users. Some personal information, such as your name and email address, may be visible to other Users within the platform depending on your profile settings and interactions you have with other Users.

        Legal Compliance: We may disclose your personal data in response to valid legal requirements, such as a court order, subpoena or valid governmental request.

        Business transfers: In the event of a merger, acquisition, sale of assets or restructuring of the company, your personal data may be transferred as part of the business assets.

        Publication of photos or videos on the website or social networks for advertising or dissemination purposes: For the publication of photographs or videos of our employees, customers, users on the website or social networks, we obtain the prior, explicit, indisputable and informed consent of the owner.

        1.5. User Rights

        DOCEO SOFTWARE makes available to the User the necessary means to exercise their rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, Opposition, Portability and Forgetfulness at any time when deemed appropriate.

        In general, Users’ rights may include:

        • Access to your personal data and the possibility to obtain a copy of it.
        • Rectification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data.
        • Deletion of personal data in certain circumstances.
        • Restriction of the processing of personal data.
        • Objection to the processing of personal data in certain circumstances.
        • Portability of your personal data.
        • Withdrawal of consent at any time, where processing is based on consent.

        Users also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority if they consider that their data protection rights have been infringed.

        If you wish to exercise any of these rights or have any questions about your privacy rights, you can contact us through the contact details mentioned in this Privacy Notice, attaching a copy of your passport or ID card (data subject) and indicating expressly in the subject line the right you wish to exercise: access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, portability or oblivion.

        1.6. Other requirements and particularities

        The services, access to content and product offerings on this website are subject exclusively to those over 18 years. DOCEO SOFTWARE shall not be liable for any damages caused to the User or third parties who may be harmed by identity theft or any other negative consequences arising from failure to comply with this requirement by the User. For this reason, DOCEO SOFTWARE, expressly informs that any person who provides their personal data, declares and confirms to have this minimum age, being forbidden to contract products and services of DOCEO SOFTWARE and corresponding delivery of personal data when it involves minors.

        Also, the User shall be solely responsible for the security measures implemented in relation to the protection of their personal data, not being responsible DOCEO SOFTWARE of the situations arising as a result of not having implemented those security measures that apply or the lack of diligence observed by it, nor assume liability for causes or damages caused by third parties outside DOCEO SOFTWARE, including acts of God and / or force majeure.

        1.7. Security Measures in Data Collection

        DOCEO SOFTWARE is firmly committed to the security and protection of the personal data of its Users, following the standards established by the European Data Protection Regulation. To prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of data provided by users, DOCEO SOFTWARE has implemented appropriate technical and organisational security measures.

        In compliance with these objectives, and in order to guarantee the confidentiality and availability of the data and documents processed, DOCEO SOFTWARE collects and stores the following User data as part of the service it provides for its clients:

        • Date and time of signature.
        • Action taken (signed or rejected).
        • Operating system used.
        • Browser used.
        • Geolocation data.
        • Signature status.
        • IP address.

        Biometric signature data, including pressure, writing angle, speed, acceleration, letter formation and direction of signature features.

        DOCEO SOFTWARE undertakes to inform Users of any situation that may endanger the confidentiality and availability of documents and data, taking appropriate measures to resolve the incident in the shortest possible time. However, in situations where notification may increase the risk to the data or documentation processed, this obligation will not be enforceable. In cases where required by law, the mandatory protocols for notifying the competent authority or the Users affected by the incident shall be followed.

        The security measures implemented by DOCEO SOFTWARE include:

        Secure access: All access to DOCEO SOFTWARE solutions is via secure connections using HTTPS security certificates.

        Encryption of documents: Digital documents stored in DOCEO SOFTWARE are kept encrypted to guarantee their confidentiality.

        Password encryption: Passwords to access DOCEO SOFTWARE solutions are stored in encrypted form for as long as they are active.

        Distributed storage: To ensure the confidentiality, accessibility and availability of the files under custody, they are stored in distributed and replicated systems at DOCEO SOFTWARE.

        In addition, DOCEO SOFTWARE informs Users and customers that it uses cloud services and that its servers are located within the space limited by the customer. DOCEO SOFTWARE servers are located in the European Union.

        It is also important to note that DOCEO SOFTWARE may contract with third parties to provide certain services that involve access to or storage of Users’ data or documents. In these cases, the third parties’ access to the data will not be considered as a communication of data by DOCEO SOFTWARE, as it will act as “Data Processor” in accordance with the GDPR.

        1.8. Social networking

        The operation of social networks is not under the control of DOCEO SOFTWARE, S.L. and therefore the information published will be shared by all users who consult them. Likewise, these networks allow interaction with other users, and therefore, below are some premises that you should bear in mind.

        The purpose of using social networks is to give visibility and dissemination of the products developed by DOCEO SOFTWARE, S.L.

        In principle, the same data protection policy specified in this document applies to the collection, processing and transfer of data.

        The user must commit to:

        • Not to publish information that does not meet the requirements of truthfulness, public interest and respect for the dignity of persons. In particular, the user will have to avoid any conduct that may violate the principle of non-discrimination for reasons of sex, race, religion, ideology or any other personal or social circumstance, and against privacy, honour and self-image, being ultimately responsible for the veracity and legality of the content he/she publishes.
        • Do not record or publish images, videos or any other recordings without the consent of those concerned.

        DOCEO SOFTWARE, S.L. does not identify with the opinions expressed by others or with the ideology of the profiles with which it is friends on any social network.

        DOCEO SOFTWARE, S.L. reserves the right to remove from its social networks any information published by others that violates the law, incites to do so, or contains messages that violate the dignity of persons or institutions. As well as blocking or denouncing the profile author of these messages.

        Recommendations to users:

        • Please review and read the terms of use and privacy policy of the social network at the time of registration.
        • Learn about the configuration and usage possibilities offered by the network.
        • Set the degree of privacy of the user’s profile on the social network appropriately.
        • Do not publish excessive information about your personal and family life.
        • Be careful about posting audio-visual and graphical content on your profile, especially if images relating to third parties will be hosted.
        • Do not provide data of third parties without their prior consent.

        The social networks managed by DOCEO SOFTWARE, S.L. are:

        1.9. Changes to the Privacy Policy

        This privacy policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes to our Services or data processing practices. An updated version will be posted on our website, and if the changes are significant, we will notify you directly.

        1.10. Acceptance of the Privacy Policy

        By using our Services, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Services or provide personal information.




        The Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) is one of the most prestigious universities in our country with more than 35,000 students * among undergraduate students, qualifying for the various types of masters and doctoral programs every year.

        Doceo Sfotware implemented the doceo eCopia solution to manage the documentation of the Department of Psychology and, in this way, optimize the daily work during the school calendar.

        From doceo eCopia we destacate the following characteristics:

        Quickly reviewed the content of the PDF document.
        Smart metadade assignation.
        Obtained a PDF document with the metadata, digital signature and temps.
        Compliance with current regulations.
        Simple and intuitive configuration for a quick adaptation of the personnel.

        * Data from the website www.uab.cat (September 2020).

        The doceo eCopia solution was implemented during the month of November 2019.



        DoceoSoftware, S.L. participates in the ICEX-Next Export Initiation Programme, and is supported by ICEX and co-financed by European ERDF funds. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.


        Doceo eCompulsa at the Barcelona City Council

        Authentic copy for check-in documentation integrated into single window system

        This project is addressed to the digitization of the entry registration documentation and specifically the single window for the Barcelona’s City Council.

        The registration of a city hall is one of the areas where more document traffic are generated. The great challenge for doceo eCompulsa was to demonstrate the good adaptability to all the variety of documents that citizens can deliver.

        That is why we highlight from doceo eCompulsa applied to the internal security system of Barcelona, the following characteristics:

        • Adaptation to current legislation and all the requirements of the public administration.
        • Start the process with web solutions.
        • Capture in color and double sided.
        • Automatic detection of the page if it’s in color, grayscale or black and white and automatic enhancement.
        • Blank page detection with content analysis without the use of size thresholds.
        • Automatic generation of PDF / A documents and inclusion of metadata.
        • Digitization, generation and sending of documents in memory (nothing is saved on disk).
        • Separation of documents using separator sheets.
        • Signature delegated to external modules in compliance with the signature policies according to the parameter indicated in the call.
        • The transmission between the scanner and the computer is done by TWAIN.
        • Integration with Documenta as a document repository and the MGCE module for digital signatures.
        • Ability to use desktop and network multifunctional computers with the option to show or hide computers from the user.
        • Viewer of scanned images and elimination of blank pages (with the possibility of recovering them).
        • Automatic deletion of documents sent to external systems in case the document exceeds a threshold indicated in the process call.
        • Notification of the result of the digitization process to an address indicated as a parameter.
        • Inform the user of the number of scanned pages, separator sheets, blank sheets, pages with content, the size of each document generated, and all documents processed during the scanning session.

        Do you have any doubts? Would you like to see how it works?

        Contact us without obligation to obtain personalized information or to arrange an online demo.



        DoceoSoftware, S.L. participates in the ICEX-Next Export Initiation Programme, and is supported by ICEX and co-financed by European ERDF funds. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.

        The best for you

        Solutions designed by public entities

        From Doceo Software we offer you a wide variety of solutions to speed up any of the management processes of the Public Administration.

        We are specialized in the management of digital objects always under the strictest of current legislation.

        Authentic one-click copying, automatic document classification, information extraction and metadata management, weight reduction while improving quality of the image…

        Solutions designed by the company

        Today no company questions the need for optimal computerization of its activity.

        Doceo Software, specialized in documentation management, go further and offer you solutions to help you in your administrative, documentary and HR activities.

        All our solutions are adapted to your activity, whatever it is, respecting the current legislation. Don’t waste time with courses, at Doceo Software we place special emphasis on an easy and agile design to use.

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