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- Who we are
We are specialists in the management of digital objects; digital content generation, web document management, validation circuits, automatic document classification, information extraction, weight reduction, quality improvement, content identification, long-term storage, digital signature, biometric signature with legal validity, mass digitization.
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Dual factor technology for doceoPOD
September 29, 2022Dual factor technology for doceoPOD 21rd September, 2022 We have added the most advanced two-factor signature technology to our delivery...doceoPOD now more efficient with OL Connect technology
September 29, 2022doceoPOD now more efficient with OL Connect technology 20rd September, 2022 We have incorporated to our doceoPOD, complete management and...Thanks to doceoPOD you will always know where your deliveries have been made
September 28, 2022Thanks to doceoPOD you will always know where your deliveries have been made 23rd September, 2022 We have incorporated to...
Dual factor technology for doceoPOD
21rd September, 2022
We have added the most advanced two-factor signature technology to our delivery note solution. In this way, your delivery notes in digital format can be signed remotely and without the need for a signature and with legal validity.
Proof of delivery and delivery notes must be signed by the person who receives the delivery. Until now, doceoPOD had the biometric signature for its validity.
For the biometric signature, the signatory must sign on a handheld device (tablet or smartphone) using a digital pen. This is the form that most closely resembles the paper form, but what happens if the delivery is made, but the person responsible for signing is not present to sign? For these cases, the double factor signature has been implemented.
In order to perform a two-factor signature on a delivery note or receipt, the signatory accesses doceoBioSign, our biometric signature solution, and enters their email address and request code there. At the moment, he receives an SMS on his mobile device with an access code. He accesses doceoBioSign with his code and there is an access to the proof of delivery in PDF format that is pending to be signed. He signs it and it is legally validated.
From here, he can send his proofs of delivery to doceoStore (Document Manager) and he can store and consult data for administrative or warehouse tasks.

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