- Solutions
- Company
- Who we are
We are specialists in the management of digital objects; digital content generation, web document management, validation circuits, automatic document classification, information extraction, weight reduction, quality improvement, content identification, long-term storage, digital signature, biometric signature with legal validity, mass digitization.
- Work with us
If you want to be part of the doceo Software team, you have to fill out the following form, attach your Curriculum Vitae.
- Our success stories
- Contact
Telephone:972 98 22 87
Email:info@doceosoftware.comUdG Scientific and Technological Park
C/ Pic de la Peguera, 11
Office, A-1, 14-B
17003 Girona
- News blog
We contact you
automate Human Resources processes
Multi-platform application
Adaptation to all types of companies
Compliance with the law
Turnkey solutions
Digitize and/or automate your business processes related to human resource management, payroll, etc.
- Management of human resources, payroll, etc.
- Generate and store different types of documents.
- View and modify document data manually.
- Validation flows between trays with drag & drop system.
- 100% configurable user roles and permissions.
Visualize the status of the workers’ documentation
- Documents can be pending upload, pending validation, validated, rejected, expired…
- Modify the status of the document.
- Search for documents by state.
- Generate links between documents.

If you have reached this point, maybe it's time to contact us 🙂
DoceoSoftware, S.L. participates in the ICEX-Next Export Initiation Programme, and is supported by ICEX and co-financed by European ERDF funds. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.