We contact you

    an interactive and functional virtual office

    Multi-platform application

    Adaptation to all types of companies

    Compliance with the law

    Turnkey solutions

    We implement in your company an interactive and functional virtual office that allows a more efficient collaboration between your employees.

    • Task management with notifications
      Easily control deadlines, pre-set reminders and notifications
    • Shared and personal agenda
      Have a calendar and organize your scheduled tasks.
    • Document sharing and versioning
      Automatic logging of your versions and history of actions.
    • Document classification with dragging between mailboxes
      The solution includes software for centralized document management capable of inserting and/or linking documents related to your commercial activity as well as those provided by your own customers.
    • Time and attendance control
      Complies with the employment law and controls in real time the dedication of your workers to different tasks and projects.
    • Group chat with sorting and research option
      Store your conversations and search their content.
    • Regular backups and security against virus attacks
      All your information safe and secure.

    If you have reached this point, maybe it's time to contact us 🙂

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